Thursday, February 21, 2008


I promised myself a pair of socks a month for the next year. Got a bit behind in January but now I am caught up. These socks I call "Summer Socks" the yarn is a cotton blend Fortissima Cotton and the best part is that it comes from the STASH. I am working hard not to add any more yarn after what arrived here lasst week. I wanted socks to wear in the warmer weather (wishful thinking on my part) so I did a cuff that will turn down.

The cast on is crochet. I chained 56, joined with a slip stitch, then worked the following around. *chain 3, slip stitch into the base chain, slip stitch 3 times into the next 3 chains of the base chain. Join the end to the beginning with a slip stitch.
Using your knitting needles pick up 56 stitches along the other edge of the base chain and away you go. I am not a big crochet person and so the directions are the best I can do with my lack of experience. At least you can start a pair I hope from these directions.

I did a cuff pattern, a row of yarn overs, knit 2 together and then ribbed the length of the cuff so that when you turn it down you have something to hug the ankle and hold the cuff up. Finish as you would your favorite sock.

Now to cast on another pair and get a head start on March. I am also making progress on the "mitten caper". Have a bit of finishing on the Poetry Mittens from the latest Piecework Magazine.

In the mean time I decided I needed some fingerless gloves for the less than stellar weather we are having here. Used the pattern from Knitty and some wonderful angora and wool blend from Kimmet Croft fibers. Will give those a bath tonight to let this wonderful yarn bloom and then tomorrow pictures of these.

It is so cold here that it makes me want to sit inside where it is warm and knit those mittens. How many pairs to go before May. Shall we say 8 or more. We shall see how I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love the cuffs! Today would be a good day for mittens here - cold and windy.