This shows our travel mode as we left for the North Woods. We did have a sign that fell off at some point that saind"WARNING KNITTING IN PROGRESS". Lots of strange looks as we went down the road. After 13 hours driving we arrived in Madision, Wisconsin. Do not get out of the car as the mosquito population was something to behold. We had a wonderful dinner with my knitting camp friend Ann and her husband Fritz. Then onward to the North. Second night was near Duluth, MN. We stayed at a casino motel. I knit and did not gamble. I am not lucky that way. They give you tokens to use for your visit. $5.00 worth. I ended up loosing all of those and decided it was a sign from the Gods. Go back to your room and KNIT!
On Wednesday we fifnally reached our destination. The Gunflit Lodge. It is peaceful and great knitting. I have nearly finished a Wallaby size large, worked on socks, some lace and done a lot of reading. Truly a vacation. We have had very cool weather and rain. Much needed here after the big fire in May. We had 6 1/2" on Monday and more drizzle each day. Today it is lovely but cool. Our evening meal is most interesting each evening. We make a reservation in the dining room and then sit and look at the lake and enjoy!
There are escorted hikes and educational talks and walks. I am knitting knitting knitting. I was not able to post for several days as cloud cover made it impossible to upload pictures. Hope you enjoy reading and seeing where I am.
It sounds just wonderful - so relaxing.
Yes, the bugs are bad this time in WI.. I can't wait to see more photos of your trip.
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