Saturday, July 18, 2009


Each year around this time I escape from the world and have what I like to call my "knitting vacation" I like to take something that has absolutely no thought involved so I am able to sit and visit with my friends. Tomorrow is the big day. I am leaving this afternoon to spend some time with my friend Lou who will put me on the plane headed west early tomorrow morning.

I have just a short time this year to visit but I shall treasure it anyway. I am taking the red sweater I am working on for Louis. Just a plain pullover is what he requested. It is great old yarn from the stash. "Melrose Memory Yarn" If you remember I made him a blue one from this same yarn and he asked for another. Hopefully when I return I will have it finished and he can have it for the start of a new school year.

I HATE to fly but I must for this trip so am busy packing. The first item is the knitting, clothes follow later and are not at all important. Just the time I spend with Ann, Sally and Katie. I can hardly wait to see them. I has been almost a year now.

Then I will return home and get ready to do some work for ChiaoGoo knitting needles. I hope that by the time I return I have a couple of new items to fill you in on that I am soooooo excited about. It will be worth the wait...

Next I must visit the yarn shops in the Rochester, NY area I have neglected them far to long. Never dull in the knitting world around here.

Then August 7,8,9 it is off to Buffalo for the summer convention of the Knitting and Crochet Guild of America.

Will post my progress on the sweater when I return Thursday.

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