I can not even remember when I started this little jacket it was so long ago. The pattern is Crayon Box Jacket from I think I started and frogged about 5 times. Then read Vivian Hoxboro's little book on Domino knitting and decided to make the little squares using her directions. I also was told by a friend that to use just garter stitch gives a nicer appearance. This makes sense as we all know garter stitch and stocking stitch provide two different gauges. With all this information the project was a delight to do.
Here is my hint if you wish to make one of these: 1. choose only garter stitch 2. do as Hoxboro suggests slip the first stitch of each row knit wise and purl the last stitch.
After I started using this system things rolled along quite nicely. I finished the jacket added the neck band, front borders, and bottom border. Knit up the sleeve gusset and here is where it all went "south" so to speak. The yarn I used for the borders and gusset was one I knew I had 3 or more balls of and I finished up one of these and then the hunt began for the remaining yarn. I hunted and hunted to no avail.
Next step clean out the yarn room. What a mess, I found things I had no idea I owned as well as a lot of yarn that made me question my sanity. Why or why would I keep all these bits and pieces. Also a few unfinished items that I did the "pull out the needle and dump" routine on. I have sorted and cataloged for nearly a full week. Still no yarn. Now keep in mind I am a protestant but I have heard of wonderful things from St. Anthony. He really came through on this one. I found the yarn yesterday slipped down behind a little chest that holds needles and the like. Many thanks St. Anthony who helps find lost items. Now I have finished the little jacket.
I love this and may just start another with something else. Great fun to work on once you get it down. I will admit some short 7" Signature needles made a huge difference. I dearly love the stiletto points and for modular work they are fantastic. I love the sock needles as well. Save your pennies and try a set.
Now I can return to finishing the last of the sorting and stash reduction. You know I had to quit that to finish the jacket. I think I shall add a pretty pink ribbon at the neck to tie a bow. I did not put buttons on because Miss Lillie moves so quickly the tie is much easier on her mom.