Monday, January 23, 2012

Thank you for your patience!

Those of you who like to know what I am working on have been so patient. I have had a busy time of year. First it was Christmas where I made most all of my gifts and taking pictures just did not happen. Then the new year arrived and I have been busy working on my classes for the coming year. I promise pictures and soon.

Some personal knitting to be sure. Then I have worked at getting rid of a ton of stuff in my yarn room. Ebay has kept me busy and I will do more in a couple of weeks. Feels good to have sorted and found new things to keep me busy.

My current projects have been can you believe it something for me: the white hood+scarf. I love it and our weather has been cold here. I used a fantastic yarn that is wool and tencel. The sheen is wonderful and the yarn flew through my fingers. This one I keep and wear.

Then the doll outfit for Miss Lillie, I loved using the free pattern on the Crystal Palace site and the bulky mochi yarn. Amazing what the color did particularly on the hat.

Then the sad projects chemo caps. I always feel fortunate that I can do some little thing to help friends who are having to endure this procedure. So there are two hats. The aqua one in from Panda Silk which is so soft and nice silk and bamboo, I just know it will feel wonderful. The dark blue hat is Cashmerino. Very soft but with some warmth. ( it looks better on trust me) Guess I need to get a head form to try on these hats.

I just can't seem to find the hours in the day that I need to keep up but I shall do my best to keep you posted on what I am knitting. Sewing will wait a while now.

If you have questions about patterns and the like you can send me a message. I shall try and help you. Just not enough time to hunt up the links right now.

Hope all of you in blog land are doing well.