I keep thinking there is something important I have forgotten. Well I even had time for a bit of a nap this afternoon. That should tell all of you I am at last ready for Christmas. Everything is finished, wrapped and ready to load up in the morning. We are off to enjoy the holiday with the rest of our little family. Usually at this time I am still in a fluff about finishing things, wrapping, baking and the like.
Yesterday I was on the receiving end of "a random act of kindness". I was visiting our local animal shelter to drop off a few things. A check as well. I only wish I had more to give to the wonderful animals. Their sad lot in life is none of their doing. People who acted thoughtlessly put them there. I try to help in some small way. OK I digress, one of the helpers at the facility came in and asked if the grey car was mine. Yes indeed, well I had a tire about to be big time flat. This nice young man directed me to a very close garage. ( had no idea there was one where he sent me). In fast fashion the tire was up and the other ones checked. I had out my wallet and offered to pay. NO indeed I was wished a Merry Christmas. This is how life should be. Find someone and do something nice. The joy you will find inside is amazing. It need not be much, perhaps just "would you like to be in front of me in the line?.
My wish for all of you is the very best. If we are warm and fed and most important of all healthy what more can we ask. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Camera is on the charger so the computer took this in my little office. My travel project. A new pair of socks.......