Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm Sinking!

My sweet friend Joan emailed me to say, LORD! Where are you? You see, she had a Cosmo, my favorite and thought of me. I'm absolutely covered in work. I thought after I turned 50 I would be able to slow down and do the things I wanted to do all of the time. Not so. I work full time in a diagnostic center in a Vascular Lab and take call for a vascular lab in a hospital. Between the two of them I am whipped right now. It's time to start the big time fall and winter sewing. Mallory has decided to be Belle for Halloween. Not a big deal but involves 5 yards of satin. Yikes. Need to start on that. She will have to have a new Birthday outfit in November. A cute Halloween outfit and a Christmas dress. So much to do, so little time. I need a twin.

Two years ago I made her a Christmas dress that will forever be my Daughter in Law's favorite.

Chocolate velveteen, blue silk dupioni, silk embroidery flowers. It was so pretty if I do say so myself. Now every year I will have to try to top that. Last year was a disaster and had to be chucked! This year will be blue velveteen with a smocked collar similar to the Easter design of two years ago. Maybe long sleeves, the Swiss trim has blue embroidery on the edge.
No plan yet for the Birthday or Halloween outfit. It will probably come to me during the middle of a sleepless night. We shall see!
I've considered quitting my jobs and risk homelessness but with that comes "NO STASH". Who could face that?????
So I trudge on. Meanwhile today, that yellow satin is calling my name from down the hall. NANA! Mallory wants you to work on me today!

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