Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why I am not knitting

Here is what goes here and why I am not knitting.

A week ago I had cataract surgery. An amazing thing to be sure. But only done on the left eye. So since I was blind as a bat before I can now see with that eye like magic, except for the close vision so then I need my "cheater" glasses. At first I thought well just take the left lens out and I would be good to go. Not so you can see there are the old glasses sans left lens. Thought it was a good plan. Well the progressive lens in the right eye made me feel like a drunk so now I just close that eye and move ahead. But to knit with one eye makes the other one way to tired. So I am just puttering around here waiting for September 22. Then the right eye will match the left and I am good to go. Truly amazing to get out of bed in the morning and not have to put on my glasses. It was always trauma if I dropped them as I could not find them. Such is progress in the medical world and I am most grateful. Thanks Dr. Nick you worked a miracle for me. so be patient out there all you who wait for knitting content it will happen soon.